Results for 'David Bonnell Green'

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  1.  36
    When International Humanitarian or Medical Missions Go Wrong: An Ethical Analysis.David Zientek & Ric Bonnell - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (4):333-343.
    Recent decades have seen a significant increase in physicians participating in international short-term missions to regions with limited or no access to health care by virtue of natural disaster or lack of resources. Recent publications in the ethics literature have explored the potential of these missions for unintentional harm to the intended beneficiaries. Less has been discussed about how to respond when harm actually occurs. The authors review the ethical issues raised by short-term medical and humanitarian missions and the literature (...)
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    Contingency, causation, and adaptive inference.David E. Over & David W. Green - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (3):682-684.
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    Divine intuition: Cognitive style influences belief in God.Amitai Shenhav, David G. Rand & Joshua D. Greene - 2012 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141 (3):423.
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    Simulating exploration versus exploitation in agent foraging under different environment uncertainties.Nader Chmait, David L. Dowe, David G. Green & Yuan-Fang Li - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
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  5. A critical examination of the evidence for unconscious (implicit) learning.David R. Shanks, R. E. A. Green & J. A. Kolodny - 1994 - In Carlo Umilta & Morris Moscovitch, Consciousness and Unconscious Information Processing: Attention and Performance 15. MIT Press.
  6.  36
    Lexical familiarity and processing efficiency: Individual differences in naming, lexical decision, and semantic categorization.Mary J. Lewellen, Stephen D. Goldinger, David B. Pisoni & Beth G. Greene - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 122 (3):316.
  7. Prolegomena to Ethics.Thomas Hill Green & David O. Brink - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (2):389-389.
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    Peter Green: Katul in njegov čas.Peter Green, Ana Anžlovar, Nena Bobovnik, Jošt Yoshinaka Gerl, Domen Iljaš, David Movrin, Meta Skubic & Kajetan Škraban - 2023 - Clotho 5 (1):319-361.
    O Katulu vemo zelo malo zanesljivega in celo večino tega je treba razbrati iz njegovega lastnega literarnega dela. To je vedno tvegan pristop, ki mu kritika danes večinoma nasprotuje (četudi je kritika vedno spremenljiva in znaki teh sprememb so že v zraku). Toda po drugi strani vemo kar precej o zadnjem stoletju rimske republike, o času torej, v katerem je Katul preživel svoje kratko, a intenzivno življenje, in o številnih javnih osebnostih, tako iz sveta književnosti kot politike, ki jih je (...)
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    The locus of facilitation in the abstract selection task.David W. Green & Rodney Larking - 1995 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (2):183 – 199.
  10. The Philosophical Works of David Hume, Ed. By T.H. Green and T.H. Grose.David Hume & Thomas Hill Green - 1874
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  11. Daniel Defoe's Political Writings and Literary Devices. Studies in British Literature, vol. 14.David Macaree, Manuel Schonhorn & Martin Green - 1993 - Utopian Studies 4 (2):150-161.
  12.  26
    Detection and recognition.David M. Green & Theodore G. Birdsall - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (3):192-206.
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    Reaching a decision: A reply to Oaksford.David W. Green & David E. Over - 1998 - Thinking and Reasoning 4 (2):187-192.
    In his commentary, Oaksford makes two main claims: (1) that the externalisation method used by Green, Over, and Pyne (1997) enforces the correlation observed between probability estimates and selection, and (2) that these estimates support the prediction of a downward revision of P(p) when P(p) > P(q). In this reply, we rebut claim 1 by describing the instructions more comprehensively, and claim 2 by reiterating the importance of making certain theoretical distinctions which Oaksford does not make. Our interest is (...)
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  14.  78
    Probability and choice in the selection task.David W. Green, David E. Over & Robin A. Pyne - 1997 - Thinking and Reasoning 3 (3):209-235.
    Two experiments using a realistic version of the selection task examined the relationship between participants' probability estimates of finding a counter example and their selections. Experiment 1 used everyday categories in the context of a scenario to determine whether or not the number of instances in a category affected the estimated probability of a counter-example. Experiment 2 modified the scenario in order to alter participants' estimates of finding a specific counter-example. Unlike Kirby 1994a, but consistent with his proposals, both studies (...)
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    Trance-gression: Technoshamanism, conservatism and pagan politics.David Green - 2010 - The Politics and Religion Journal 4 (2):201-220.
    This article looks at the politics of successive Conservative governments in Britain in the 1980s and ‘90s through the lens of the increasing politicisation of Paganisms in that period. A wave of moral panics in the late ‘80’s and early ‘90s concerning marginal communities – such as Ravers, New Age travellers and anti-road protesters – and their ‘riotous assemblies’, culminated in the Conservative Government of John Major enacting The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act of 1994. This was seen by (...)
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  16.  18
    Waves of Protest: Social Movements Since the Sixties.David G. Bromley, Diana Gay Cutchin, Luther P. Gerlach, John C. Green, Abigail Halcli, Eric L. Hirsch, James M. Jasper, J. Craig Jenkins, Roberta Ann Johnson, Doug McAdam, David S. Meyer, Frederick D. Miller, Suzanne Staggenborg, Emily Stoper, Verta Taylor & Nancy E. Whittier (eds.) - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book updates and adds to the classic Social Movements of the Sixties and Seventies, showing how social movement theory has grown and changed.
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    Anecdotes, omniscience, and associative learning in examining the theory of mind.Steven M. Green, David L. Wilson & Siân Evans - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):122-122.
    We suggest that anecdotes have evidentiary value in interpreting nonhuman primate behavior. We also believe that any outcome from the experiments proposed by Heyes can be interpreted as a product of previous experience with trainers or as associative learning using the experimental cues. No potential outcome is clearcut evidence for or against the theory of mind proposition.
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  18.  13
    Mahler: Consciousness And Temporality.David B. Greene - 1984 - Gordon & Breach.
    Analysis of symphonies no. 5, 8, 9 and 3.
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  19.  21
    On program synthesis knowledge.Cordell Green & David Barstow - 1978 - Artificial Intelligence 10 (3):241-279.
  20.  21
    ARTICLES. The Voluntary Reconstruction of Civil Society in Post-Communist Countries: The Role of the Independent, Non-Profit Sector.David G. Green - 1993 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 4 (2-3):387-460.
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    Domain permutation reduction for constraint satisfaction problems.Martin J. Green & David A. Cohen - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (8-9):1094-1118.
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  22. Need for Expert Testimony to Prove Lack of Serious Artistic Value in Obscenity Cases, The.David Greene - 2005 - Nexus 10:171.
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    Scale and pattern of atrophy in the chronic stages of moderate-severe TBI.Robin E. A. Green, Brenda Colella, Jerome J. Maller, Mark Bayley, Joanna Glazer & David J. Mikulis - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    David W. green and others, cognitive science: An introduction. [REVIEW]Christopher D. Green - 1999 - Minds and Machines 9 (3):437-443.
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    Neurocognitive Predictors of Treatment Outcomes in Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Study Protocol.David P. Cenkner, Anu Asnaani, Christina DiChiara, Gerlinde C. Harb, Kevin G. Lynch, Jennifer Greene & J. Cobb Scott - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Post-traumatic stress disorder is a prevalent, debilitating, and costly psychiatric disorder. Evidenced-based psychotherapies, including Cognitive Processing Therapy, are effective in treating PTSD, although a fair proportion of individuals show limited benefit from such treatments. CPT requires cognitive demands such as encoding, recalling, and implementing new information, resulting in behavioral change that may improve PTSD symptoms. Individuals with PTSD show worse cognitive functioning than those without PTSD, particularly in acquisition of verbal memory. Therefore, memory dysfunction may limit treatment gains in (...)
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  26.  49
    Correspondence.David E. Green - 1970 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 45 (2):320-320.
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    Consciousness, spatiality and pictorial space.David B. Greene - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (4):375-385.
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    Empowering the Parents: How to Break the Schools Monopoly.David G. Green - 1992 - British Journal of Educational Studies 40 (2):199-202.
  29.  30
    "Parallel Psychometric Functions from a Set of Independent Detectors": Correction to Green and Luce.David M. Green & R. Duncan Luce - 1976 - Psychological Review 83 (2):172-172.
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    Consistency of auditory detection judgments.David M. Green - 1964 - Psychological Review 71 (5):392-407.
  31.  71
    Persuasion and the contexts of dissuasion: Causal models and informal arguments.David W. Green - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (1):28 – 59.
    This paper develops the view that in arguing informally individuals construct a dual representation in which there is a coupling of arguments and the structure of the qualitative (mental) causal model to which these refer. Invited to consider a future possibility, individuals generate a causal model and mentally simulate the consequences of certain actions. Their arguments refer to the causal paths in the model. Correspondingly, faced with specific arguments about a policy option they generate a model with particular causal paths (...)
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    Temporal auditory acuity.David M. Green - 1971 - Psychological Review 78 (6):540-551.
  33. From Hegel to Nietzsche: The Revolution in Nineteenth Century Thought.David F. Green - 1966 - Philosophy 41 (155):91-93.
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  34.  14
    Modern Logic Design.David Green - 1986 - Addison Wesley Publishing Company.
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    Small farm households at the cutting edge: appropriate technology and sustainable rural development.David Green - 2000 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 17 (2):70-74.
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    Effects of the Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Contraction Sequence on Motor Skill Learning-Related Increases in the Maximal Rate of Wrist Flexion Torque Development.Lara A. Green, Jessica McGuire & David A. Gabriel - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: The proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation reciprocal contraction pattern has the potential to increase the maximum rate of torque development. However, it is a more complex resistive exercise task and may interfere with improvements in the maximum rate of torque development due to motor skill learning, as observed for unidirectional contractions. The purpose of this study was to examine the cost-benefit of using the PNF exercise technique to increase the maximum rate of torque development.Methods: Twenty-six participants completed isometric maximal extension-to-flexion or (...)
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  37.  23
    On the equivalence of detection probabilities and well-known statistical quantities.David M. Green & William J. McGill - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (4):294-301.
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    Parallel psychometric functions from a set of independent detectors.David M. Green & R. Duncan Luce - 1975 - Psychological Review 82 (6):483-486.
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    The Micro-Category account of analogy.Adam E. Green, Jonathan A. Fugelsang, David J. M. Kraemer & Kevin N. Dunbar - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):1004-1016.
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  40.  58
    An Egalitarian Epistemology: A Note on E. P. Thompson's Critique of Althusser and Popper.David G. Green - 1984 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 14 (2):183-189.
  41.  33
    Where am I in the story? Reflections on the reader's location and the encounter with fictive people.David B. Greene - 1989 - Man and World 22 (2):163-183.
    Phenomenological analysis of the bodiliness of human existence establishes a sense in which human consciousness is prereflectively spatial and located at a particular place, and at the same time a sense in which consciousness detaches itself from its location by reflecting on it and itself. This paper probes a parallel aspect of that self which the reader becomes upon reading and entering the world of three selected fictive narratives: this “reading self,” as it will be called, replicates the structure of (...)
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  42.  43
    Natural History Collections as Inspiration for Technology.David W. Green, Jolanta A. Watson, Han-Sung Jung & Gregory S. Watson - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (2):1700238.
    Living organisms are the ultimate survivalists, having evolved phenotypes with unprecedented adaptability, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and versatility compared to human technology. To harness these properties, functional descriptions and design principles from all sources of biodiversity information must be collated − including the hundreds of thousands of possible survival features manifest in natural history museum collections, which represent 12% of total global biodiversity. This requires a consortium of expert biologists from a range of disciplines to convert the observations, data, and hypotheses into (...)
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  43. Israelite Religion.Helmer Ringgren & David E. Green - 1966
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  44. Victory Over Violence: Jesus and the Revolutionists.Martin Hengel & David E. Green - 1973
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  45.  12
    Literature without presence: Beckett, Rorty, Derrida.David D. Green - 1996 - Paragraph 19 (2):83-97.
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    Medical care in Britain before the welfare state.David G. Green - 1993 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 7 (4):479-495.
    In Britain before 1911, the vast majority of the population provided medical care for themselves and had evolved a variety of schemes that checked the power of organized medicine and encouraged a steady improvement in standards. The evidence is that at the end of the nineteenth century about 5–6 percent of the population relied on the poor law, 10–15 percent on free care from charitable institutions, 75 percent on mutual aid, and the remainder paid fees to private doctors.
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    The Philosophical Works: A treatise of human nature. Dialogues concerning human nature.David Hume, Thomas Hill Green & T. H. Grose - 1964 - Scientia Verlag.
  48.  48
    A neural timing theory for response times and the psychophysics of intensity.R. Duncan Luce & David M. Green - 1972 - Psychological Review 79 (1):14-57.
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    Detailed and Succinct Self-Portraits of Addicts in Broadcast Stories.Irit Kupferberg & David Green - 2000 - Discourse Studies 2 (3):305-322.
    Narrative discourse offers a viable perspective on sociocultural, psychological and professional dimensions of the self. Following Labov's early definition of evaluation, current studies explore linguistic and paralinguistic evaluative devices which participants in discourse use to present and construct their self. Organizing metaphors are a global evaluative device often used in broadcast personal stories to summarize local lexical and syntactic repetition. These metaphors constitute succinct self-portraits which facilitate interpersonal communication in a speech situation which is limited in time, and lacking in (...)
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  50.  53
    Refocusing on the data: A reply to Hardman.David W. Green - 1998 - Thinking and Reasoning 4 (1):95 – 96.
    Hardman in press claims that the results of Green and Larking 1995 favour a mental rules theory account of performance in the selection task over a mental model theory account. This reply rebuts his claim.
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